Saturday, December 22, 2018

Oracle Cloud Back to Back Transfer order Flow

1. Create Sales order and scheduling. Make sure there is no stock on hand in preferred Inventory.

  Verify that there is no available stock in the preferred inventory

Review the Fulfillment Line on the Sales Order - this shows that the line is - Awaiting Shipping. The Supply Detaiils shows no supply information

Supply Details Tab shows no information. Verify the Scheduling details by selecting - Check Availability

Navigate to Actions - Availability Details - which shows that the item will be transferred from DOOCSPS2 to DOOCSPS1 and then Shipped from this inventory

Initiate the Supply Orchestration Process

Execute the Scheduled Process - Release Planning Recommendations

Review the outcome of running the Release Planning Recommendations

Refresh or requery the Sales Order - Fulfillment View
The supply order has been created, open the Supply Orchestration order by clicking on the supply order number

Click on the Orchestration Plan Tab to view the supply order fulfillment plan.

Select the - Execution Documents and Transfer - Tabs - A transfer order has been created

Navigate to - Inventory
Select task - Manage Transfer Orders

Search for the Transfer Order described in the supply order flow (in this case 119003)
Note that the Transfer Order is being shipped from DOOCSPS2 and that the status of this is - Interfaced to Shipping / Awaiting fulfillment

Execute the Inter Organization Item transfer

Ship the Transfer Order

Navigate to Warehouse Operations
Navigate to Pick Waves
Select task - Create Pick Wave

Change Organization to the Transfer From Organization in this case DOOCSPS2
      Ship-from organization - Transfer from Organization in this case DOOCSPS2
      Order Type - Transfer Order
      Order - The Transfer order created by the supply order request
NOTE: the customer will be defaulted once the the transfer order has been selected
Click - Release Now

Navigate to Pick Slips and select the pick slip created

Confirm the pick and Navigate to Ship Confirmation

Ship Confirm the Shipment

Review the outcome of shipping the transfer order.

Review the Transfer order which shows that it has been shipped

Review the Supply order which shows the status of the Transfer order
Note that the Inter Organization shipment has completed

Receive Shipment into Target Inventory

Navigate to Receipts
Select task - Receive Expected Shipments

Change the Organization to the Receiving Organization (in this case DOOCSPS1)
Search for the transfer Order described in the supply order flow (in this case 119003)
Select and Receive the shipment

Review the outcome of Receiving Shipment
Review the Transfer order which shows that it has been Shipped and received

Put Away Receipts into Target Inventory

Navigate to Receipts
Select task - Put Away Receipts

Search for and select the Receipt or Transfer Order
Put Away

Review the outcome of Putting Receipts away
Review the Supply details on the Sales Order fulfillment lines - Goods are available

Review the Supply Order, the Put Away is complete and Status of the Line is Inventory Available

Review Inventory Item Availability - DOOCSPS1

Ship Sales Order

Create a Pick Wave - Note that the order is Shipped from the Destination Organization - DOOCSPS1

Confirm the Pick Slip

Ship Confirm the Shipment

Review the outcome of shipping the Sales Order

The Order line has been shipped and it is now Awaiting Billing

The supply details on the fulfillment line shows that the Supply Order is closed

The Supply Order is Closed

Inventory Item Availability shows that there is no on hand stock

Please watch and subscribe for few more topics in my youtube channel. Comment on below videos if you want any video on any fusion topics, i will try to make videos and share with you.

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